"A film guaranteed to raise the righteous indignation of anyone with a favorable opinion of liberty, freedom or the Constitution.”
- John Anderson, Newsday

Do what Council of American-Islamic Relations and American Civil Liberties Union chapters around the country are doing. Organize your own screening.

Show Persons of Interest at your local theater, mosque, church, temple, university or community center.

Contact The Documentary Campaign to request a copy of the documentary and other resources for your screening.

Basic Screening: $250 includes screening copy of Persons of Interest, promotional materials and logistical support

Special Screening: $1,700-$2,000, includes the above plus the participation of one of the filmmakers to introduce Persons of Interest and answer questions.

Groups that have already organized screenings include:

The Utah chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union

The Idaho Peace Coalition

The Birmingham Stop the War Coalition

Here's what ACLU of Utah Executive Director Dani Eyer had to say about her groupís screening of Persons of Interest:

"Over 350 concerned citizens, standing room only, attended a screening of "Persons of Interest," co-sponsored by the ACLU of Utah and the Salt Lake Film Center. The film is a compelling work that links faces and stories to the detainees whom the U.S. government has attempted to render invisible. Following the film, questions were directed to the filmmaker, the ACLU director and a representative of the Muslim community. Unfortunately for him, a staffer from Senator Hatch's office agreed to attend the screening and was pummeled with emotionally packed responses stimulated by the documentary, including requests for apologies by our government. The film's director, Tobias Pearse, is an excellent and articulate spokesman on the matter of random long-term detention without individualized suspicion. Our screening was preceded by a local NPR radio show on the issue of the detainees, and was also followed that week by a Senate Judiciary Committee field hearing on the USA PATRIOT Act. The accompanying media attention was an excellent public education opportunity."

Dani Eyer Executive Director ACLU of Utah  

Presented by The Documentary Campaign.